More Zyprexa Postcards From the Edge

Info Document Actions Print this Journalist Evelyn Pringle of OpEdNews analyzes the “final judgment” of the US District Court about the formerly-secret Zyprexa files. More Zyprexa Postcards From the Edge Date Published: Feb 14, 2007 03:00 AM Author: Evelyn Pringle Source: OpEdNews Original content. On February 13, 2007, Judge Jack Weinstein issued a permanent injunction,…

Prison and Mental Health

Info Prison and Mental Health All people in the criminal justice system deserve a range of voluntary supports. Unfortunately, the motto ‘help not prisons’ is being used to promote more and more psychiatric drugging and restraints of prisoners, without that full variety of humane alternatives. Issue of prison and mental health One of the most…

Bazelon Center: Court Asked to Release Controversial Eli Lilly Documents on Psychiatric Drug

Info The Washington, D.C.-based national mental health advocacy organization Bazelon Center annnounces in their news release that a major network of mental health professionals, researchers and consumer groups have asked a USA court to make Eli Lilly’s “secret” files about Zyprexa public. Bazelon Center is a Sponsor Group in MindFreedom International original news release Media…

Secrecy’s dangerous side effects

Info Document Actions Print this A lawyer-teacher-ethicist argues that when lawyers sue drug companies but agree to keep the files secret plaintiffs may get quicker and easier settlements… but the cover-up can harm the public interest. Secrecy’s dangerous side effects Date Published: Feb 08, 2007 03:00 AM Author: Richard Zitrin Source: Los Angeles Times Original…

Daughter claims Seroquel caused father’s death

Info Document Actions Print this The estate of LaRue Simms filed a wrongful death suit against three local nursing homes claiming a drug they gave him (Seroquel) contributed to his death. Daughter claims Seroquel caused father’s death Date Published: Feb 06, 2007 03:00 AM Author: Steve Gonzalez Source: The Madison Record link The estate…