Journal Seeks Papers from Mental Health Consumers & Psychiatric Survivors

Info MindFreedom Members, Marcela Musgrove, Leticia Villarreal Sosa, and colleague Madalyn Marcus, are working on a special issue of The Journal of Participatory Medicine on Mental Health. They are seeking diverse perspectives from participatory research, opinion pieces, book reviews, writings by survivors/consumers, etc. The Journal of Participatory Medicine (JoPM) is looking for submissions from mental…

Worst Mental Health Media of 2010: Canada’s National Post Biased Articles by Joseph Brean

Info MFI gives the “2010 Worst Media Coverage of Mental Health Award” to reporter Joseph Brean from Canada’s National Post. During mental health month in May 2010, Brean horribly mis-covered the international PsychOUT conference of psychiatric survivors activists and allies, who gathered from five nations to resist psychiatric human rights violations. In December 2010, Brean…

Worst Mental Health Media of 2010: Canada’s National Post Biased Articles by Joseph Brean

Info MFI gives the “2010 Worst Media Coverage of Mental Health Award” to reporter Joseph Brean from Canada’s National Post. During mental health month in May 2010, Brean horribly mis-covered the international PsychOUT conference of psychiatric survivors activists and allies, who gathered from five nations to resist psychiatric human rights violations. In December 2010, Brean…