MFI Free Web Radio: Ted Chabasinski & Laura Delano on Protesting American Psychiatric Association

Info Psychiatric survivor activists Ted Chabasinski and Laura Delano (photo on right) explained why they are going to Philadelphia to protest the American Psychiatric Association’s labeling. Why join them to “Occupy the American Psychiatric Association”? Host: David Oaks. Above: Laura Delano is protesting the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. This was another successful MindFreedom Live…

MFI Free Web Radio: Susan Rogers & Frank Blankenship on Protesting American Psychiatric Association

Info Why protest the American Psychiatric Association (APA)? Psychiatric rights activists Susan Rogers (photo on right) and Frank Blankenship reported about the protest in Philadelphia of the APA Annual Meeting. “Why – or why not – protest the APA?” Host: Celia Brown. Above: Susan Rogers helped organize the protest of the American Psychiatric Association Annual…

MFI Free Web Radio: Guests David Morrissey, Celia Brown, Krista Erickson on Disability & Psychiatric Survivor Movements

Info How can the psychiatric survivor and disability movements work together? What about the proposed UN disability treaty in the US Senate? Guests David Morrissey, Celia Brown and Krista Erickson, with host David Oaks, are all advocates in these movements. Above: David Morrissey is a leader in the disability movement, and director of USICD in…

Radio by MindFreedom International: LIVE from Alternatives Conference 2012!

Info LIVE from Alternatives Conference 2012 in Portland Oregon on Saturday, October 13 (2pm ET, 11am PT)Join the conversation: “What Should Be the Future of Mental Health Systems Change?” LIVE from the Alternatives 2012 Conference in Portland, OR! On Saturday, 13 October 2012, at 2 pm ET/11 am PT  MindFreedom International presents:  ALTERNATIVE MENTAL HEALTH…

Electroshock Survivors on MFI Web Radio

Info Hear the acrhive: Special guests on MindFreedom free web radio on 8 Saturday were electroshock survivors Leonard Roy Frank, Mary Maddock, Loretta Wilson and Ray Sandford. Host: psychiatric survivor David Oaks, MFI director. Leonard Roy Frank is an author, activist and electroshock survivor.  UPDATE: The below radio show as successful (despite a few very…