USA Today Neuroleptic Series

Info USA Today Neuroleptic Series USA Today examines dangers in the rapidly increasing prescription rate of neuroleptics in USA children. For foster kids, oversight of prescriptions is scarce USA Today exposes the massive psychiatric drugging of USA children in foster care. USA Today investigates neuroleptic psychiatric drug harm to children A report in USA Today…

4 May 2007 Update on Oregon’s SB 363 & 364

Senator Bill Morrisette’s office provides the latest update — as of 5/4/07 — about bills for empowerment and self-determination of Oregon’s mental health consumers and psychaitric survivors. From:  Senator Bill Morrisette – D-District 6 S-309, State Capitol Salem, OR  97301 (503) 986-1706 NEWS RELEASE For immediate release, 5/4/07 Two more Morrisette bills pass Oregon Senate…

A Hundred Billion Chances

Info Document Actions Print this Just how many chances did we have to avoid Cho’s day of terror? A youth psychiatric survivor speaks out on the issue. A Hundred Billion Chances Date Published: Apr 30, 2007 03:00 AM Author: Martin Rafferty, Youth Outreach Coordinator Source: MindFreedom International A twenty-year-old youth survivor of the mental health…