A photo of a long-haired, light-skinned individual. Photos of flowers are airbrushed into the image.

Shield alert: And Steiner forced to endure assault at institution in Boston, MA, USA after reporting patient abuse and transgender discrimination

By Sarah Smith | March 21, 2024

Update: March 21st, 2024   Latest News   1. Positive developments In response to a series of emails addressed to the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH) and their Adult Clinical Community Services (ACCS), in which And Steiner (pronouns: it/its) and its many advocates expressed concern about DMH’s plans to forcibly and prematurely discharge And…

Shield alert: Dawn Dziuba indefinitely institutionalized against will for over 9 years in St. Louis, Missouri, USA

By Sarah Smith | September 21, 2023

Update: 10/22/2023 Latest news Dawn continues to receive monthly injections of Abilify against her will. Sean Rapp, her court-appointed guardian and the public administrator of the city of St. Louis, has made no effort to challenge this violation of her rights. Missouri’s Protection and Advocacy for People with Mental Illness (PAIMI) agency has received numerous…

Depiction of D, dark skinned man with dark glasses wearing a white short

Anonymous disabled Black man in Lahaina, Hawaii, USA asks for Shield members’ help

By Sarah Smith | September 9, 2023

“D” is a visionary, community organizer and coach, living in Lahaina, Maui. He is also a MindFreedom International member and a disabled Black trauma survivor. In 2016, he was catastrophically injured in a car accident involving an Uber driver. The accident severed his spine, and despite several reconstructive surgeries, he was left with chronic pain,…

Shield alert: Lar L. forcibly drugged and institutionalized in Southampton, UK

By Sarah Smith | July 17, 2023

Lar L. is an enrolled Shield member who is being psychiatrically incarcerated. She wants to live independently in the community without the threat of being forcibly drugged. She has had horrible traumatizing past experiences of being over-medicated and sedated. Currently, she is in a restricted psychiatric facility called Antelope House and she is being subjected…

Picture depicts a chic dark-skinned female wearing a blue jumpsuit with black straightened hair pulled into a high ponytail

Shield Alert: Defend Strawberry Hampton against abuse at Logan Correctional Center in Illinois

By Sarah Smith | March 21, 2023

Strawberry Hampton is a Black transgender woman incarcerated at Logan Correctional Center for “crimes of poverty.” She has faced severe retaliation from her jailers for filing PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) reports and standing up for both herself and other women. MFI volunteer Lily Naha has organized an emergency fundraiser to raise legal funds for…

Raise the Shield with People Power! Make a Donation Today and Help us Raise $10,000 to Sustain MFI’s Shield!

By Sarah Smith | July 12, 2022

Help Us Raise the Shield with People Power! MFI has launched a campaign to support the Shield, one of MFI’s signature programs. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to keep the Shield in operation until we can find a way of permanently endowing/sustaining it through people power. Without your help, we will not be able…

Fundraising Drive for the Shield

By Moofy | May 24, 2022

Support the MFI Shield: Stop Human Rights Abuses in Psychiatry! We are now raising funds for our Shield Campaign. MindFreedom International’s Shield advocates for people who have been deprived of their rights by the mental health system. These are rights to make the basic choices that many of us take for granted. With your help,…

Shield Alert: Update on David Italiano

By Moofy | May 18, 2022

See our latest update 6/28/2022: Still no independence for David Italiano. Update 6/12/2022: Our allies at Pennsylvania ADAPT and Roads to Freedom recently held a major demonstration this past Wednesday, June 8, at the Pennsylvania State Capitol. A recording of a livestream from one activist is available on Facebook here. Update from 18 May 2022: Update…

MindFreedom In Conjunction with Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living Center is Turning Up the Heat for Shield of David Italiano, in Pennsylvania. Sign the Petition to Find and Free David Today!

By Sarah Smith | March 10, 2022

Updated 5/18/2022   Update for David Italiano Though it has been several months since MindFreedom International (MFI) in conjunction with Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living (RTFCIL) issued a Shield update on behalf of David Italiano, we are not giving up – not by a long shot! See our Call To Action below. Work on…

Siddhartha Fisher

Shield Member, Siddharta Fisher to be released from Western State Hospital! Thank you for your calls, emails, letters!

By Sarah Smith | July 23, 2021

Updated January 5, 2022 Reintegrating at last!! MFI was informed that page was in need of an update! Siddhartha’s discharge and integration back into the community did not go as smoothly as we had hoped (due to discrimination against Sidd’s family members and lack of housing options for psychiatric survivors) but she is now safely…