Some Detainees Are Drugged For Deportation

Info Document Actions Print this The Washington Post investigated and documented the use of “chemical restraint” on hundreds of immigrants being deported from the USA. Some Detainees Are Drugged For Deportation Date Published: May 14, 2008 01:00 AM Author: Amy Goldstein and Dana Priest | Washington Post Staff Writers Source: Washington Post, A1 Immigrants…

The ills of pills

Info Document Actions Print this Frank Blankenship is chair of the MindFreedom Affiliate Support Committee, as well as liaison to MindFreedom Virginia. Frank was quoted in the Charlottesville newspaper as critical of government efforts to prevent catastrophes like the Virginia Tech mass murders. Here is Frank’s follow-up letter to the editor that was published on…

Letter to editor of Valley Courier by Mary Van Pelt

Info MindFreedom member Mary Van Pelt successfully submitted this leter to the editor for publication, about changing the mental health system. Original letter published here: Below is the text: Valley Courier, Alamosa, Colorado May 9, 2008 May is Mental Health Awareness Month by Mary Van Pelt Seven years ago I experienced job discrimination based…

New York Times Covers Mad Pride!

Info The 11 May 2008 New York Times published an article about the global Mad Pride movement, including spotlighting MindFreedom International, and several sponsor groups in the MindFreedom coalition. Mad Pride celebrates the international movement for creative maladjustment! Bonkersfest in UK is one of the largest Mad Pride events, attracting 3,000 people. For original NY…

Mad Pride 2008 updates

Info Here are a few of the upcoming anchor events for Mad Pride 2008. Mad Pride has celebrated human diversity and creative maladjustment for a decade, and now you can participate anywhere! MindFreedom Ghana in Africa is again holding one of the big Mad Pride events this July 2008! Perhaps the New York Times article…

Will Mad Pride Movement Help Break Out of Ghetto?

Filed Under: mad-pride The mad movement has often been confined in a kind of ghetto… The recent New York Times article may be one way to break out. by David W. Oaks, Director, MFI For eons there’s been this conflict between those considered “mad” and those considered “normal.” That’s why Al Gore’s film Inconvenient Truth…