Here are a few of the OCSC activities

Calendars of activities and events related to Oregon Consumer/Survivor Coalition (OCSC) Free Webinar: Coalition Building 101: Mental Health Consumers & Psychiatric Survivors Find Common Ground with Each Other & Allies This is a free webinar you can view either live now, or later via archive. Co-presenters are Nancy Snider and David Oaks, both of the…

Free Webinar: Coalition Building 101: Mental Health Consumers & Psychiatric Survivors Find Common Ground with Each Other & Allies

This is a free webinar you can view either live now, or later via archive. Co-presenters are Nancy Snider and David Oaks, both of the board of directors of OCSC (Oregon Consumer/Survivor Coalition). David Oaks is also executive director of MindFreedom International. Nancy Snider directs Project Able. what when Sep 30, 2011 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM…

News that Lynne Salvi has died

Info MindFreedom has been informed that member Lynne Salvi died on 23 September 2011, according to police after driving her car off of a bridge in Portland. Everyone in the MindFreedom community sends our deepest support to family, friends and loved ones of Lynne. Here is a link to the news item about Lynne’s death,…

What’s Wrong With Bess?

A poem about how various family members abuse one member in the family, and then make that person out to be the mentally ill one because of how s/he reacts to their abuse. What’s Wrong With Bess? Author: Liz Purcell What’s Wrong with Bess?   What’swrongwith Bess? They like to say. She seldom ever. Wants to . . . play. Or have her hair. Done up in curls. As is the way. Of normal . . . girls.   What’s wrong with Bess? She sure is queer. It’s good the rest of…