“intrigued and empowered a large audience” at Capitol Theater in Olympia, Washington.

On 4 March 2011, David spoke in Capitol Theater in Olympia, Washington, on the subject, “”Curing Normality: The Mental Health Revolution.” The event co-sponsored by several social change and student. Event organizer Levi Chambers said, “David appeals to academics, scientists, and the average person…” Levi Chambers organized an appearance by David W. Oaks in Olympia …

“Received standing ovation”: David Oaks keynote at key state-wide Maine event.

In October 2009, the “Advocacy Initiative Network” (AIN), a state-wide organization in Maine, had David Oaks keynote, present two workshops, staff a panel, and co-facilitate an all-day work session between the two state-wide organizations in Maine. Here’s the review from Melinda Davis, director of AIN: Maine’s statewide networking organization the Advocacy Initiative Network of Maine…

Mad Pride events in 2010

Here are a few of the successful Mad Pride events in 2010 that were registered with MindFreedom International.   Mad Pride   BELOW are Mad Pride events received by MindFreedom International for 2010. On right is a photo from one of many MindFreedom Ghana street marches in Accra. The sign in the middle opposes involuntary…

Gateway to Info About Creating MFI Global Mental Health Handbook

Info MindFreedom is creating a much-needed Global Mental Health Empowerment Handbook, thanks to a grant from CBM. The handbook aims to empower psychiatric survivors, mental health consumers/users, and their allies to be heard more effectively by their communities, care providers, and policy makers. Participation is encouraged internationally, especially in poor and developing nations. Update: Deadline…

Gateway to Info About Creating MFI Global Mental Health Handbook

Info MindFreedom is creating a much-needed Global Mental Health Empowerment Handbook, thanks to a grant from CBM. The handbook aims to empower psychiatric survivors, mental health consumers/users, and their allies to be heard more effectively by their communities, care providers, and policy makers. Participation is encouraged internationally, especially in poor and developing nations. Update: Deadline…

Amplify Workshop

Info Some of the participants in the Thursday, 14 April 2011, “Amplify” workshop about how the general cross-disability movement can support allies in the mental health user/psychiatric survivor movement, especially by utilizing United Nations treaties such as the Convention for the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD). Click to view full-size image… — Size: 74.6…

Ghana Federation of the Disabled

Info Visiting Ghana Federation of the Disabled, we meet a disability advocate rolling out and hitting the streets wearing his MindFreedom Ghana t-shirt. He excitedly showed us his letter granting him a scholarship to attend a major disability event in Hawaii this month. He said he will remind Hawaiians that next month (May 2011) the…