Action Alert: Free Justina Now! Stop Psychiatric Assault!

Info Read Justina’s Story and get involved!On February 10, 2013, Justina’s doctor at Tufts (Dr. Korson) sent Justina to Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) to receive treatment for Mitochondrial Disease, which had flared up dangerously with the flu. Justina’s GI specialist had transferred from Tufts to Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) and was expecting to admit her…

Training and International Certification now available for Therapeutic Spiral Model in March

Info MindFreedom International is initiating an extensive 2 year training program in New York City with Dr. Kate Hudgins, the originator of the Therapeutic Spiral Model (TSM) for International Certification in her worldwide highly acclaimed, non-medical, trauma informed, strength based model of action methods.   Training and International Certification now available for Therapeutic Spiral Model…

Members of Congress: Oppose “Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act” (H.R. 3717)

Info Join us in signing this important online petition by National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy petitioning The U.S. House of Representatives… petition now online! Helping families in Mental Health Crisis Act doesn’t help people with psychiatric disabilities–it hurts them and their families!The bill eliminates legal advocacy on behalf of people with psychiatric…