Electroshock Protest at Alternatives 2012

Across the street from the hotel where Alternatives 2012 was held, a protest organized by MFI Members took place on a rainy October day. The skies anointed our small group with rain. On 12 October, 2012 at 4:30pm PST, about 40 folks who were attending the Alternatives conference joined MFI as we protested against the…

Volunteer or Intern with MindFreedom International!

Info MindFreedom needs YOU to help move our nonviolent revolution in mental health care forward. Get started by taking the volunteer survey (bit.ly/mfi-volunteer) now! Join MindFreedom’s non-violent revolution for human rights in mental health care! Take the new volunteer survey at: http://bit.ly/mfi-volunteer VOLUNTEER! Take our VOLUNTEER SKILLS SURVEY and we’ll find a way to play…

Links for more info on connection of “food and mood”

As part of the MFI Initiative on Food Justice & Mental Health, a guide of links is being created on the topic. This will be an ongoing growing list. Food and Mood: Partners in Crime: Resources   Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault http://coalitionagainstpsychiatricassault.com/ PsychOut 2011 http://www.theopalproject.org/psychout.html MindFreedom International https://mindfreedom.org/ Sandra Sweetman http://www.mydivineblueprint.com/ Sandi Lyotomaki : The Conscious Traveller http://www.conscioustraveller.com/ In Defense…