The Washington Post publishes debate on whether Judge Rotenberg Center tortures children.

The Washington Post published the following debate about whether the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) in Massachusetts tortures many of the children detained there. On 2 October 2010, The Washington Post published the below essay by president of Disability Rights International, Laurie Ahern, charging JRC with torture. A United Nations representative agrees. DRI is a sponsor…

Opal Network Meeting in Lane County, Oregon

All who support the voice of mental health clients in Lane County, Oregon are invited to this quarterly meeting of the Opal Network coalition meeting. The topic this time: Non-Drug Alternatives in Mental Health. what Meeting when Aug 31, 2010 from 02:30 PM to 04:30 PM where Tykeson Room, Eugene Public Library, Oregon contact name David Oaks contact…

NARPA 2006 Annual Conference

25th anniversary of this legal advocacy conference about human rights of people labeled with mental disabilities by National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy. what when Nov 15, 2006 09:00 AM to Nov 15, 2010 03:00 PM where Baltimore, Mayland, USA contact phone 205-464-0101 add event to calendar  vCal  iCal National Association for Rights Protection and…

MindFreedom Office Contact Information

Info MindFreedom Office Contact Information Please understand that due to the large volume of comments resource limits, MFI may not be able to respond to each comment individually. While all comments are considered, please mention if you are an MFI Member. Thanks. BELOW this form please find other ways to reach MindFreedom International including postal…

MindFreedom Office Contact Information

Info MindFreedom Office Contact Information Please understand that due to the large volume of comments resource limits, MFI may not be able to respond to each comment individually. While all comments are considered, please mention if you are an MFI Member. Thanks. BELOW this form please find other ways to reach MindFreedom International including postal…