World Mad Pride Day Celebrated By Gallery Cachet In Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Local and international artists, both emerging and professional, are invited to participate in an interdisciplinary call for work addressing human rights and psychiatry, and mental health and arts.    ONE FLEW WEST: OLD LANDMARKS, NEW TOPOGRAPHIES CALL TO ARTISTS – WORLD MADE PRIDE BIENNALE 2008 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: MAY 23, 2008 Local and international artists,…


Mad Pride events taking place in Vancouver in 2008. No albums or photos uploaded yet.  World Mad Pride Day Celebrated By Gallery Cachet In Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Local and international artists, both emerging and professional, are invited to participate in an interdisciplinary call for work addressing human rights and psychiatry, and mental health and…

Mad People’s History play goes west!

Friendly Spike Theater of Toronto will be in Vancouver, Canada for the Madness and Citizenship conference. Friendly Spike is a sponsor group of MindFreedom International. what Meeting when Jun 11, 2008 from 01:00 AM to 01:00 AM where Madness & Citizenship Conference, Vancouver, Canada contact name Ruth Ruth contact phone 416.516.4740 attendees All are welcome. add event to…

Will Mad Pride Movement Help Break Out of Ghetto?

Filed Under: mad-pride The mad movement has often been confined in a kind of ghetto… The recent New York Times article may be one way to break out. by David W. Oaks, Director, MFI For eons there’s been this conflict between those considered “mad” and those considered “normal.” That’s why Al Gore’s film Inconvenient Truth…

Lane County Mad Pride Event: The Norm-a-Thon

On May 17, 2008 there will be a celebration of “creative maladjustment” in Eugene Oregon, USA. The Normathon is a Mad Pride skit that includes a Big Giant Pill. NEWS RELEASE – immediate release more information: 541-345-9106 “Mad Pride” group plans public street theater for YouTube broadcast. Worship of “Big Giant Pill” during…

MindFreedom reaches ‘matching grant’ limit

Info 30 July 2008: MindFreedom has reached the total limit for the Helios “matching grant” for new members before the deadline, thank you for your support. Helios Resource Network foundation is matching new donations to MindFreedom International for a limted time only. Thank you to all those who supported MindFreedom during this matching grant, which…