“Impassioned, analytic, eloquent” says Professor Robert Menzies for David W. Oaks Keynote Speech at Madness and Citizenship

On 12 June 2008, David W. Oaks provided the single keynote address for the major conference “Madness, Citizenship and Social Justice” sponsored by Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. Here’s the review provided by the main conference organizer, Professor Robert Menzies.   David Oaks’ virtuoso keynote address, “Prospects for a Nonviolent Revolution in the Mental…

Info about showing of Film Healing Homes

The film Healing Homes will be shown in Eugene, Oregon, USA in 16 August 2011, here’s information about this Swedish alternative for people diagnosed psychotic.  Info about showing of Film Healing Homes in Portland, Oregon You can download a one-page PDF flyer here about showing of documentary film Healing Homes on 16 August 2011 in…

National Association for Rights Protection & Advocacy 2011 Annual Meeting

NARPA is a founding sponsor organization of MindFreedom International. This is an important annual gathering of advocates, attorneys and activists to change how people labeled with mental disabilities are treated. what Conference when Sep 07, 2011 04:00 PM to Sep 10, 2011 12:00 PM where Philadelphia, Pennsylvania contact name narpa@aol.com contact phone 256-564-9933 attendees All welcome.…

“intrigued and empowered a large audience” at Capitol Theater in Olympia, Washington.

On 4 March 2011, David spoke in Capitol Theater in Olympia, Washington, on the subject, “”Curing Normality: The Mental Health Revolution.” The event co-sponsored by several social change and student. Event organizer Levi Chambers said, “David appeals to academics, scientists, and the average person…” Levi Chambers organized an appearance by David W. Oaks in Olympia …

“Received standing ovation”: David Oaks keynote at key state-wide Maine event.

In October 2009, the “Advocacy Initiative Network” (AIN), a state-wide organization in Maine, had David Oaks keynote, present two workshops, staff a panel, and co-facilitate an all-day work session between the two state-wide organizations in Maine. Here’s the review from Melinda Davis, director of AIN: Maine’s statewide networking organization the Advocacy Initiative Network of Maine…

Mad Pride events in 2010

Here are a few of the successful Mad Pride events in 2010 that were registered with MindFreedom International.   Mad Pride   BELOW are Mad Pride events received by MindFreedom International for 2010. On right is a photo from one of many MindFreedom Ghana street marches in Accra. The sign in the middle opposes involuntary…