Drugging the Vulnerable: Atypical Antipsychotics in Children and the Elderly

Info Document Actions Print this Time Magazine looks at the use of neuroleptic psychiatric drugs, more commonly called “antipsychotics,” on children and seniors. Drugging the Vulnerable: Atypical Antipsychotics in Children and the Elderly Date Published: May 26, 2011 12:00 AM Author: Maia Szalavitz Source: Time Magazine   For the original and complete Time article, click…

Over-prescription of ‘antipsychotic’ psychiatric drugs to seniors

Info Over-prescription of ‘antipsychotic’ psychiatric drugs to seniors Senior citizens are among the many groups targeted for an extra-high level of over-drugging by the neuroleptic psychiatric drugs, which are also known as antipsychotics. Study finds “Unnecessary” drugs in nursing homes CBS-TV news covered a US government report about how many senior citizens are being massively…

Archives of General Psychiatry: Neuroleptics Shrink Brain Volume

Info An article in the February 2011 Archives of General Psychiatry, “Long-term Antipsychotic Treatment and Brain Volumes” by Ho, Andreasen, et al. describes a study that points to antipsychotic drugs as a major cause of brain shrinkage. The study found that over 7 to 14 years, “More antipsychotic drug treatment, including duration and intensity, was…

Ron Unger: Latest News on Brain Tissue Shrinkage from Antipsychotic Drugs

Info Ron Unger, chair of MindFreedom Lane County affiliate, is a full time mental health counselor, who has raised concerns about the way the neuroleptic or “antipsychotic” psychiatric drugs have been linked to shrinkage of brain tissue. Ron Unger, mental health counselor and chair of MF Lane County.   While MindFreedom is pro-choice about what…

Homeless Marathon Radio Show 2011

Info Each year for 14 years, an international radio show marathon is transmitted over the air and now on the web globally, featuring voices and stories from many people who are homeless. The show sometimes asks MFI to suggest guests for a segment about the intersection of mental health issues and homelessness. The 2011 show…

The Highlander Statement of Concern and Call to Action March 25, 2000

Info MindFreedom (then called “Support Coalition”) sponsored a series of strategic retreats, including in the beautiful Highlander Training and Education Center. Highlander has for decades supported empowered training of leaders in civil rights and poor people’s movements. At the end of this retreat, participants issued a unanimous statement that has been widely circulated.   Highlander…