Shield alert: Dawn Dziuba indefinitely institutionalized against will for over 9 years in St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Update: 10/22/2023 Latest news Dawn continues to receive monthly injections of Abilify against her will. Sean Rapp, her court-appointed guardian and the public administrator of the city of St. Louis, has made no effort to challenge this violation of her rights. Missouri’s Protection and Advocacy for People with Mental Illness (PAIMI) agency has received numerous…

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Shield: What It Is and Its Potential to Empower Us

Judi’s Room – An Educational Series hosted by MindFreedom International in Collaboration with “I Love You, Lead On!” Wednesday, May 26, 2021 6:00 PM ET 5:00 CT 4:00 MT 3:00 PT Pre-registration is required In the spirit of Judi Chamberlin, our Fifth educational series offers a free, online presentation and discussion which continues the monthly…

Alert Update: Forced Shock Torture of Charles Helmer Suspended Due to Your Actions. Now help him move to a less restricted living situation of his own choosing: Attend his upcoming Hearing

  Shield Alert Update for Charles Helmer Update 8/25/21 For those of you who took action on behalf of Charles helping to get his forced shock treatment to end, thank you! He is has still been living in a group home, however and he prefers to live at home with family. To help him get…