Volunteer or Intern with MindFreedom International!

Info MindFreedom needs YOU to help move our nonviolent revolution in mental health care forward. Get started by taking the volunteer survey (bit.ly/mfi-volunteer) now! Join MindFreedom’s non-violent revolution for human rights in mental health care! Take the new volunteer survey at: http://bit.ly/mfi-volunteer VOLUNTEER! Take our VOLUNTEER SKILLS SURVEY and we’ll find a way to play…

Links for more info on connection of “food and mood”

As part of the MFI Initiative on Food Justice & Mental Health, a guide of links is being created on the topic. This will be an ongoing growing list. Food and Mood: Partners in Crime: Resources   Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault http://coalitionagainstpsychiatricassault.com/ PsychOut 2011 http://www.theopalproject.org/psychout.html MindFreedom International https://mindfreedom.org/ Sandra Sweetman http://www.mydivineblueprint.com/ Sandi Lyotomaki : The Conscious Traveller http://www.conscioustraveller.com/ In Defense…