“What is Mental Illness, or What It Is Not” a Free, On-line Discussion Presented by MindFreedom International and ‘I Love You, Lead On’ Featuring Ron Bassman, David Oaks, and Al Galves.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 6:00-8:00 pm Eastern “What is Mental Illness or What It Is Not” is a the first in an educational series co-produced by MindFreedom International and ‘I Love You, Lead on” (producers of ‘Judi’s Room’). This event is reflective of the spirit of human rights activist and psychiatric survivor, Judi Chamberlin…

Letter Submitted to FDA Demands that Electro-Shock be Standardized/Regulated. ECT-Brain-Injury Survivors MUST receive Rehabilitation Services! Activist Sarah Price Hancock Asks MFI Members to Help Spread the Word on Social Media!

Sarah Price Hancock, psychiatric survivor and activist, recently authored a letter to the FDA making several key demands as it regards electroshock, the ‘treatment’ featured in ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ HERE, now euphemistically known as electro-convulsive treatment (ECT). You can read the entire letter HERE. She asks for your help circulating this letter.…

Mad Pride in Korea inspires Global Activities – Saturday, October 10, 2020 – World Mental Health Day! Call for artists and activists to participate!

What is Mad Pride? Mad Pride is a mass movement of the users of mental health services, former users, and the aligned, which advocates that individuals diagnosed with mental disorders should be proud of their ‘mad’ identity. It was formed in 1993. For more information about the history and meaning of Mad Pride, you can…

Whistleblower, pharmacologist and former FDA scientist, Ron Kavanagh exposes corruption within the FDA in approving harmful psych drugs that have little or no benefit. Contact the Senate to demand an investigation today!

This is to let you know Robert Whitaker just published a very informative article on Mad in America, An FDA Whistleblower’s Documents: Commerce, Corruption, and Death.  It details the courageous efforts of Ron Kavanagh, a pharmacologist who formerly worked as a scientific consultant for the FDA, to blow the whistle on the improper approval of the…

Jim Gottstein, founder of PsychRights and author of the ‘Zyprexa Papers’ is interviewed by Dr. Peter Breggin in “The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour” plus a link to an excellent review of the “Zyprexa Papers’ published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics

MFI’s Executive Director, Ron Bassman had this to say about Jim’s new book, “I strongly recommend without any reservations the new book by Jim Gottstein. Jim has been at tireless warrior for human rights – especially for those of us who have been diagnosed with serious mental illness and have been forced to undergo treatments that are against our expressed wishes. His book The Zyprexa Papers describes the power and influence of Big Pharma through Jim’s personal story of challenging the road blocks within the legal system and it’s powerful alliance with Psychiatry. “

Medicating Normal Poster

Medicating Normal is a ground-breaking new documentary exposing the dangers of psychiatric drugs, intended to ignite a long overdue community conversation about how we support people in distress.

MindFreedom International invites you to join us for an online community screening of Medicating Normal, a must-see film for psychiatric survivors, their allies, and everyone who longs for the existence of universally accessible, non-drug/non-force alternatives in their communities to support people in distress. Medicating Normal, is A 76 minute documentary film exploring our current mental…



MINDFREEDOM PRESENTS A VIRTUAL SCREENING PISS ON PITY: WE WILL RIDE (To stream the film after the event, pissonpitymovie.com.) Thursday, May 7 Two showings: 11 am Pacific Time 3 pm Pacific Time Cost: Free Registration Required. (SEE BELOW TO REGISTER) Worldwide Group Discussion to Follow Facilitated by Carole Hayes-Collier Featured Guests Celia Brown, Co-founder  of…