Join MFI in Opposing SB 5720

Thanks to activist Laura Van Tosh, MindFreedom International learned of regressive legislation that was recently passed by the Washington State Legislature (USA) and awaits consideration by Governor Jay Inslee. =======CALL TO ACTION============  SB 5720 “Involuntary Treatment Act” is on its way to Governor Inslee for consideration. It is proposed to go into effect January 1,…

Jim Gottstein walking towards Eli-Lilly Headquarters

The Zyprexa Papers by Jim Gottstein now available!

MindFreedom International is excited to announce the release of The Zyprexa Papers by longtime MindFreedom International supporter Jim Gottstein of the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights!  The Zyprexa Papers describes MindFreedom’s  central role in helping Jim expose psychiatric fraud and corruption. Previously, only available on Kindle or by pre-order, the book is is now available on…

Creative Psychosis by Karen Taylor, November 23 and 26th

Quick Link to Printable Flyer for this event HERE For many years, Karen Taylor and Ron Coleman, co-founders of Working to Recovery in the United Kingdom, traveled internationally conducting workshops on alternative ways of understanding and working with individuals who hear voices or experience extreme states . Due to health reasons, Ron Coleman is no…

Stop Silencing Challenges to the Authority of Organized Psychiatry: A National Call to Hold the Media and Government Accountable

Stop Silencing Challenges to the Authority of Organized PsychiatryA National Call to Hold the Media and Government Accountable For Immediate Release Contact: Lauren J. Tenney, PhD, MPhil, MPA, Psychiatric Survivor (516) 319-4295 WHAT: This is a national call for people with psychiatric histories and their allies to speak out against the media silencing people for challenging…

Voices for Choices Webinar: Organizing for Alternatives to Forced Psychiatric Treatment

Since many mental health ‘experts’ are calling for the government to expand forced drugging and shock, our need to organize has never been more important! With generous support from the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care, MindFreedom International is hosting a webinar entitled: “Voices for Choices: Organizing for Alternatives to Forced Psychiatric Treatment”. “Voices…